Guidelines for BTRGH Adoption or Foster Application

Application Instructions

  • Please fill out all information completely and do not leave any blanks. If a section does not apply, please write N/A. If all questions are not completely answered, this may result in a delay in processing your application.
  • Please write clearly and verify all phone numbers. We are all unpaid volunteers with full-time jobs, and applications are processed in our valued “spare time.” Since we receive an inordinate amount of applications each week, it becomes next to impossible to take the extra time in locating and verifying phone numbers for each application. Especially when faxing, be sure to write telephone numbers clearly.
  • Please write clearly and verify all phone numbers. We are all unpaid volunteers with full-time jobs, and applications are processed in our valued “spare time.” Since we receive an inordinate amount of applications each week, it becomes next to impossible to take the extra time in locating and verifying phone numbers for each application. Especially when faxing, be sure to write telephone numbers clearly.
  • Be sure to include the best time to call for your personal references. This will help to expedite the application process.
  • Please list at least three rescues that you are interested in adopting, in order of preference. The reason for this is that many times we are working on more than one application for a particular rescue, and if you have options listed, we will know to proceed with your application. However, if there is only one specific rescue that you prefer to adopt, please indicate that by writing “NO OTHER CHOICES.”
  • If, at any time during the application process, you obtain a pet elsewhere or change your mind about adopting from us, PLEASE ALERT US VIA EMAIL OR FAX IMMEDIATELY. We spend an inordinate amount of time in carefully processing applications because we want our rescues to go into the best homes possible, so we ask for your consideration and respect for our time by notifying us if you are no longer planning to adopt from us. Please – this is common courtesy. It is very frustrating for our volunteers to spend hours processing an application, only to find out that the prospective adopter has obtained a pet elsewhere. If you are not serious about adopting a pet from us, please reconsider applying.
  • We welcome email inquiries regarding the status of your application, and we try to respond as quickly as possible, so your patience is appreciated. Our inbox receives 200-300 email inquiries each day, so please limit your inquiries to one request if no one has contacted you. Also, please bear in mind that many times we receive several applications for the same rescue, and we process those in the order that they are received. Again, we ultimately try to make the best placement for that particular rescue, and may suggest another rescue that we feel will better suit your home environment. We base all of our recommendations on our observations and interaction with each rescue, and our assessment of your home environment.

Application Process Overview of the application process:

  • Applicant submits application online or via fax or mail.
  • Application is reviewed for completeness.
  • If all items are fully answered, a volunteer is enlisted to begin processing. Your references are contacted, and many times you will be contacted directly at that time as well.
  • Once your application has been processed, it is submitted to the board for review and final approval.
  • The final step in our process is a pre-adoptive visit with you and your family in your home environment to ensure that we are matching up the best rescue for you. A volunteer will contact you to schedule a mutually-convenient time. We are not home inspectors and are not concerned about your home passing a “white-glove” test. We are meeting with you and your family to make sure that your home will best suit the rescue’s needs, and we also try to make suggestions and answer questions at that time. Everyone living in the home must be present at this home visit, including roommates. This is a “user-friendly” step in our process, and we welcome your questions at that time.
  • Finally, you will have the chance to meet the rescues that you are interested in adopting and will hopefully take home that “special one”!!!
Thank you for your cooperation and patience during this process. Many of our rescues come from the streets or from deplorable circumstances, and we want to ensure that their adoptive home is truly their forever home.